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İstanbul Şirinevler Hotels

Şirinevler Hotel In İstanbul
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Şirinevler district, which is one of the central locations of Istanbul, has recently become the favorite center of many tourists. As a natural consequence of this, the tourism sector is making large hotel investments in this region. The main reason why Şirinevler attracts so much attention is that it is in an important position in terms of health tourism. Since many authorities, hospitals, and clinics in health tourism are located in this region, those who come to this region for hair transplant, aesthetic operations, and various surgeries mostly prefer Şirinevler hotels for accommodation. It is located in the heart of Istanbul, very close to Şirinevler metro station, CNR exhibition palace, Medical Park hospital, memorial hospital, and many health centers such as Esteword Bahçelievler. For this reason, it is one of the first places preferred by those who come for health tourism in terms of accommodation.

White Corner Hotel is usually the first choice of those who want to stay in Şirinevler. The main reasons for this are its central location, walking distance to the metro station, public transportation stations, and is very close to many health centers such as the Medical park hospital, Memorial hospital, and Esteword Bahçelievler. In addition, it is one of the hotels that offer the best service in terms of customer satisfaction and price-service performance.

In short, If you are going to have an operation for health or aesthetic purposes in one of the health centers such as Memorial Hospital, Alpaslan Yıldırım Clinic, Natural Hair Clinic, Esteworld Bahçelievler, Aslı Tarcan Medical Center, we advise you to choose White Corner Hotel with its central location and service quality.

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